Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meal and work out planning

We've had several weekends on the go, making it hard to meal plan but we did have some time this weekend to put something together:

Monday-Sausage, Kale and potato soup (here's a recipe from Pioneer Woman.  I don't use any half and half, cream or whole milk.  I use 1% milk instead.  It's thinner but still delicious)
Tuesday-Chicken Masala and Naan
Wednesday-Mexican Quinoa
Thursday-Hot Wing Pizza on the grill
Friday-Left overs/going out

Here's my workout plan for this week (note, we walk the dogs every day it's not raining):
Monday-rest day
Tuesday-Strength class at the gym
Thursday-Yoga at the gym
Saturday-Strength class at the gym

So what are you up to this week?  Any new recipes or workouts on the books?

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