Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Moving into the new house!

Over the past week Chris and I have loaded up all of our worldly possessions and moved them to our new home in Ohio. It has been a whirlwind few days! We are very grateful to all of our wonderful friends and family who helped us. Everything is in the new house and most of the boxes are unpacked. It did rain and thunderstorm while we were unloading the moving truck on Friday and we couldn't fit our box spring up the stairs but other than that, no problems! Tim and my Dad deconstructed the box spring, took it to our room and reconstructed it so we don't have to buy another one. Stay tuned for more photos of the changes to the house over the next year!

Obviously, we still have some work to do to make it a home but I think we got a pretty good start for only being there for a weekend!

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