Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hotel Living

Needless to say, things have been a little crazy around here (hence the lack of blogging and running...but that's another post).  We spent a week with my parents before Chris started his job, then headed to Bulter, PA over the weekend for a dear friend's wedding and now to Cleveland for good!  Chris started work yesterday so we need to be here everyday but aren't able to move into our new home until Friday at 6pm so it's extended stay hotel for us.  Max and Lila, of course, are still in the country.  By the time they make it up here over the weekend, they will have spent 3 weeks in the open air, un-fenced yards, hanging out with Brutus, rolling around on the carpeted floors and doing whatever they please.  I think they might miss it after they come up here :)

Here are a few photos I stole from my friend Cari of the weekend wedding festivities.  The bride and groom were just glowing and the ceremony a perfect blend of their personalities and cultures (Altay is from Turkey and Kelly is from Pittsburgh).  I'm not sure where my camera cord is at the moment so these will  have to suffice:

The lovely bride and groom

APhiO Girls: Cari, Sonya, Tammie, Kelly

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our week in the country

It's been pretty calm and relaxing here! Lots of walks and bike rides and hanging out with this awesome view.

At the end of the day, we've got some tired puppies!  
Max's favorite spot, perched on some pillows
Chris and Lila, all tuckered out

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moving-Part 1, complete!

We've completed Part 1 of moving, leaving Cbus! I think we both had mixed emotions; sad to be leaving our first home, friends and family in a great city that we've truly loved living in, excited to be moving on and relieved to have finally signed the paperwork and be done after our four month closing process. Over 2 days the movers came, packed and hauled everything away- not to be seen until we move into our Cleveland house in a few weeks. I had a hard time deciding what I needed with me for the interim and probably packed too always! Expect a few posts on the how-to's and essentials of moving in the near future. I thought I would share some photos of my office at the start, middle and end of moving:
After, no more furniture!
Before-in the midst of packing!
Everything's boxed!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Congrats to Chris!

As promised, here is a photo of C's graduation!  I'm so, so proud of him for working hard these last two years to complete his MBA and transition from the Army life to a civilian one (I think he made the transition very well!).  There have been many late nights, lots of group meetings and even some conference calls.  Now that grad school is behind both of us, I'm looking forward to our next adventure together (i.e. moving this week)!  

Chris in his cap and gown. The should braid is because he's a
veteran.  He also graduated with 2 chords, one for his seat with
Fisher Board Fellows and one for his case competition

Running Update:

Day 15-2 miles + hot yoga
Day 16-2 miles + body pump (tonight)

Week 2-Complete!  Total to date: 30.27 miles

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Mig Sangira

Yesterday, I made The Mig Sangria (as in Amigo Drive, my dear friend Lea's house) for C's graduation celebration!  Yes, we are now a 2 MBA household!  I did a terrible job taking photos so once I get my hands on some, I'll post.  Any-who, back to the sangria that Lea and I concocted on Amigo Drive while we were waiting for Chris to get home from Afghanistan (we also played drinking games with C's family but that's a story for another day!)  It's a fun, fruity drink made with moscoto so it's very light and is perfect for summer!  Here are a few photos of our fun-loving friend who we are so blessed to have in our lives!

Caitlin, Lea, Missy, Sonya
Brian, Caitlin, Sonya, Lea
Alison, Sonya, Missy, Lea, Caitlin, Christie
Sonya and Lea

The Mig Sangria

1 bottle moscoto wine or your favorite white wine (I buy a cheap and bubbly one, like Barefoot)
1/2 cup Triple Sec
1/2 cup Cran/Grape Juice or any other berry juice
1 cup Sprite or Seltzer water
2-3 cups mixed berries, cut into small pieces (strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries)

Cut up berries and soak in Triple Sec over night in fridge.  Chill remaining ingredients in fridge.  Before ready to serve, combine all ingredients, stir and serve.  Soooo easy!  Enjoy!

What are some of your favorite summer cocktails?

A running update:

Sonya-the streak lives on!
Day 12-3 miles
Day 13-1 mile (graduation day, I barely had any time to run at all!)
Day 14-3 miles

Chris- not so much!
C decided that he wasn't enjoying all the running and has taken a hiatus.  He has been spending lots of time on the golf course instead :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Running streak continued!

Day 10
Sonya 2 miles
Chris 3 miles

Day 11
Sonya 2 miles
Chris 2 miles (with a blister from the golf scramble)

With all the heat and the running, I wanted to mention hydration. It's oh so important to get enough fluids, especially on hot days. My rule of thumb is to take your weight in ounces and divide by two to find out how much water your body needs. So a person weighing 100lbs would need a minimum of 60 oz of water.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National running day!

Today, the first Wednesday in June is National Running Day! Check out more here:

You can celebrate by....running of course! C and I will be this afternoon to continue our streak.

I RUN to be healthy and to relieve stress. Why do you run?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Meal Planning

Well, we were planning on having to move last week so we've been whittling away at the food in the house.  Our buyers were having some issues with their bank, so we've pushed back closing a few weeks.  Thank goodness, I don't think I was ready for the move even if we are not moving everything ourselves.  We've effectively ran out of ketchup, mayo, cooking spray and flax meal (the first two, I don't care about but it's driving C nuts to have "dry" sandwiches).  Pretty soon our freezer/pantry will be empty!  C told me that if it gets much worse, he's going to have dinner at Rusty Bucket every night.

Sunday- Crock pot chicken I LOVE this rub, makes the chicken so flavorful.  I even added a new technique I learned from a Sur la Table cooking class with my Mom, I brined the bird first!  Served with couscous and roasted Brussels sprouts (again, cleaning out the freezer).
Monday-Vegan Crock Pot Refried Beans.  bag of pinto beans in the pantry I needed to use up and these turned out great, so tasty!  You would never guess these are vegan.  I turned mine into a bean and cheddar cheese quesadilla served with homemade guacamole.  It was an easy, delicious and filling dinner.
Tuesday-Tilapia and green bean casserole
Wednesday-Spinach salad with left over chicken (from Sunday), avocados and almonds.
Thursday- Clipper's game so we're eating at the ballpark!

What happens when your pantry freezer runs dry?  Where do you end up?

RW Running Streak-1 week down!

Yesterday, Chris and I did a quick two miles- 1 mile warm up, 3/4 mile HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training- For us, it's sprint all out from one light post to the next and the walk to the next one, repeat.  It should smoke you even though it's a short workout.) run and 1/4 mile cool down.

Today, Chris and I ran 3 miles at a leisurely pace.  You know, gotta mix it up!

After the first full week, I've ran 10.27 miles and Chris has ran 12 (I'm being geeky and have a spreadsheet going).  It will be interesting to see the totals at the end of the month!

So are you participating?  How are your runs going?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wedding Prep Weekend!

 Last weekend, I hit the road and headed to Pittsburgh to spend a few days with one of my dearest friends to prep for her wedding!  Kelly and I met at Ohio University, where in the same fraternity (yes, you read correctly, fraternity.  As in co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega.  We did good and had lots of fund doing so.) and she was my roommate and partner in crime in my London study abroad adventure.  I had so much fun spending time with Kelly and being a part of her bridal shower and bachelorette party.  Here are a few photos of my fun, fun weekend:

Thank you tags to go with the party favors
After I arrived, we made a little grocery store run and then started baking cupcakes for the shower, Corona and Blue Moon Cupcakes.  We were up until midnight baking these puppies. Yes, they were delicious.  Yes, you should try them.
Kelly, Bride-to-be, making some
 Corona and Blue Moon Cupcakes.  They were tasty!
Ready for the oven
Let the beer basting begin!
Starting the frosting, why yes,  that is 12 oz. of whipped
cream cheese. 
 The next morning, we headed out for an interval run and then got ready for the shower (which was held at a lovely restaurant called Table).
Beautiful Guest of Honor!
Our finished product!
 After spending the afternoon at the shower, being pampered with Mani's and Pedi's, and some afternoon drinks, we headed to downtown Pittsburgh for the bachelorette festiveness!
Our view from Bar Louie
After enjoying some drinks and dinner at Bar Louie, we headed out for some dancing.
There were fireworks after the Pirates game,
they didn't translate well into photo.
The bachelorette party: (L to R) Sonya, Tamme, Kelly, Kelly,
Annie and Lisa in front
Such a fun, fun weekend.  So glad to be able to spend it with my dear, dear friend and get to know some of her fabulous friends!  Can't wait for her big day in a few weeks!

Weekend fun

First thing's first, here are our running stats:

Friday- we both ran 1 mile

Sonya- 3 mile run + yoga class at V Power Yoga.  I've been practicing at this studio for about 6 months and will be sad to leave it.  It's a great workout and I would highly recommend Power Yoga, a mix of strength and cardio.  

Chris-3 mile run in his new New Balance minimus shoes (a mix between his Vibrams and his Nike Free's)

Now to the fun stuff!

We tried the new gluten free bakery in Bexley, Cherbourg Bakery.  Yummy!
We tried the coffee cake muffins (left) and rosemary polenta cake (right).   
Downtown at the Columbus Arts Fest.  Great weather and great art!
View of downtown from the Scioto Mile

We finished off the night at The Thurman Cafe, one of Chris's
"must try before we leave" restaurants.  Check out their menu,
this is The Thurman Burger.  3/4 lb beef.  Crazy!    

Friday, June 1, 2012

Easy breakfast smoothie

I realize it's been a while since I posted a recipe. I've been cooking I just haven't taken the time to share with you all. So here's one of my favorite quick and easy breakfasts, a peanut butter and banana smoothie.

1 banana, sliced and frozen (doesn't have to be frozen but it makes for a really creamy smoothie, trust me)
1 cup fat free milk
1 tablespoon peanut butter (or your favorite nut butter)
1 teaspoon flax meal

Combine ingredients in blender and pulse until combined. If you aren't using frozen banana slices, toss in a few ice cubes.

Enjoy! it's also a great post-workout drink!