Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Breckenridge, CO

Oh my, we had a blast over the holidays and enjoyed lots of family time.  I did a terrible job capturing the moments of Henry's first Christmas but believe me when I say the child is very blessed!  He didn't really "get" Christmas this year but is always happy around people, especially his favorite people (aka family members). We ended the holidays with a trip with my family to Breckenridge, CO.  This was my second trip to Breck and Chris' third trip to hit the slopes...lucky guy!  The town got great skiing and such a cute main street.  It was H's first time flying and he did great!  We flew out of the Akron/Canton airport since we could get a direct flight and where pleasantly surprised at how nice everyone was there.We did learn its better for H to fly at nap time than bedtime but it still will be a while before we fly with him again.  

We had 8 adults and one baby on the trip, which meant plenty of babysitters!  Henry enjoyed several outings to dinner, the coffee shop and stroller rides around Breck while the rest of us enjoyed the slopes.  Especially the day of FRESH POWDER and the opening of Peak 6.  It was definitely the best skiing I've ever done and was so, so beautiful.  The weather was great and we really enjoyed our selves.  Henry slept in a pack n play in our room...which meant he ended up with us every night.  He also didn't adjust to the time difference so someone had to get up with him before the sun was up at 4:30 or 5am each day.  

Henry showed off some of his 11 month old skills for his grandparents and uncles including standing up on things (including the fire place mantle...he's a little dare-devil), high-fiving and eating.  This child can put away the food, especially yogurt and bananas.        

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Sounds like such great time! Maybe sometime you can rub off your ski-skills on me. Dustin keeps trying to convince me to go, but on days with -30 wind chills, I'm siding on staying inside ;)

Can't wait to see you all this weekend!!